Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New version of Alexandria Utility Library for PL/SQL

I've just uploaded a new version of the Alexandria Utility Library for PL/SQL.

Updates include both small bug fixes and some major new features (which I'll return to in another post).

Among the improvements are:

  • Additional functions in OOXML_UTIL_PKG for working with Excel 2007 and Powerpoint 2007 files.
  • Kris Scorup has contributed improved CSV parsing to the CSV_UTIL_PKG. It now handles double quotes and separator characters inside strings.
  • Anton Scheffer's packages for building PDF and XLSX files have been included in the library.
  • The PL_FPDF library by Pierre-Gilles Levallois is a port of the FPDF library for PHP. Pierre-Gilles Levallois has his own website, but his package (which is open source under the GNU license) does not appear to have been updated for several years, and several indivuals have been making their own fixes and enhancements to this package. Rob Duke and Brian McGinity have both contributed bug fixes and enhancements (such as internal document links, Javascript support, using clobs to work around the 32k limit, etc.). These changes as well as some of my own have been merged and included in the Alexandria library as PDFGEN_PKG. You'll find this package in the "extras" folder (it is not installed by default if you run the install script).


Anonymous said...

I can not find package MAIL_UTIL_PKG

Morten Braten said...

@Anonymous: That's right, that package is not (yet) included in the library.

But you can find code for such a package at:

- Morten

Pierre-Gilles said...

I've just saw your plsql toolkit included PL_FPDF, with many bug fixes.
This is great. I think I should update my package with your version ;)

This is not easy for me to update inline package because, when I published the first version, I did not use a repository code like github or sourceForge :(

I think I should publish release under github ;)
