You can easily
consume a SOAP Web Service from PL/SQL, for example using Application Express or the
FLEX_WS_API (see also my
companion utilities to FLEX_WS_API).
But if you want to
publish (or "expose") your PL/SQL procedures as a SOAP Web Service, your options have so far been a bit limited.
JDeveloper has a "Publish as Web Service" feature that uses JPublisher to create various Java artifacts which must then be deployed to the application server. There are some
details here, and
an issue you need to be aware of if you are using Oracle 10g Express Edition (XE).
Now, this Java-based approach probably works fine for you if you have Java developers and a Java infrastructure in your company, although the need to (re-)generate the Java code whenever the PL/SQL code changes seems like a bit of a hassle to me.
Native Web Services (11g)
Oracle 11g (Release 1) introduced "Native Web Services". This is a servlet running in the XDB listener that
automagically exposes PL/SQL code as SOAP Web Services. Here is
some more information about it.
If you are a database guy like me, you probably like the "Native" approach better than the JPublisher method. However, there are a couple of issues with Native Web Services; first of all, it's an 11g feature (which of course means that it is not available in 10g, nor in Express Edition 10g), and it requires the XDB listener (which means you must either allow direct connections to your database, or set up another web server as a proxy for XDB).
Automatic Web Services with the Thoth Gateway
Since I like the concept of Native Web Services, I decided to implement a similar feature in the
Thoth Gateway, a
mod_plsql replacement for Microsoft IIS.
Version 1.1 of the Thoth Gateway adds a new DAD configuration parameter called
InvocationProtocol. If this is set to "SOAP" (instead of the default "CGI"), PL/SQL called through the DAD will take its parameters from a SOAP request body, and respond with a SOAP response body.
The Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) document is automatically generated if you append "?wsdl" to the end of the URL. This allows a tool like Visual Studio to easily add a Web Reference to your stored procedure.
Let's see an example. Let's say we have the following package specification:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | create or replace package employee_service
function get_employee_name (p_empno in number) return varchar2;
function get_employees (p_search_filter in varchar2) return clob;
end employee_service;
And the following package body:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 | create or replace package body employee_service
function get_employee_name (p_empno in number) return varchar2
l_returnvalue emp.ename%type;
select ename
into l_returnvalue
from emp
where empno = p_empno;
when no_data_found then
l_returnvalue := null ;
end ;
return l_returnvalue;
end get_employee_name;
function get_employees (p_search_filter in varchar2) return clob
l_context dbms_xmlgen.ctxhandle;
l_returnvalue clob;
l_context := dbms_xmlgen.newcontext( 'select * from emp where lower(ename) like :p_filter_str order by empno' );
dbms_xmlgen.setbindvalue (l_context, 'p_filter_str ', lower(p_search_filter) || ' %');
l_returnvalue := dbms_xmlgen.getxml (l_context);
dbms_xmlgen.closecontext (l_context);
return l_returnvalue;
end get_employees;
end employee_service;
Now navigate to the following URL with the browser (assuming you have
downloaded and installed the Thoth Gateway, of course; see the installation guide in the Doc folder):
This brings up the automatically generated WSDL:
Now use your favorite SOAP testing tool (I'm using
Web Service Studio, but another good tool is
SoapUI) and enter the same URL.
After the test tool has generated a proxy class for the Web Service, you should see something similar to the following:
Fill in the value in the request and invoke the Web Service:
The response from the Thoth Gateway is a SOAP envelope that contains the return value of the function.
Invoking the second function in the example package above returns a CLOB with XML that represents a dataset with several rows:
Pretty cool, heh? It "just works", with no extra code or configuration necessary, except specifying "SOAP" as the protocol in the DAD!
You can use the usual parameters such as
ExclusionList and
RequestValidationFunction to control access to specific procedures. Also, the CGI environment is set up as usual before the call, so your PL/SQL code can use owa_util.get_cgi_env to get information about the client (browser).
Limitations and Caveats
There are a couple of limitations in this first release of the SOAP feature:
- You can only call PL/SQL functions (not procedures) via SOAP.
- Functions must return VARCHAR2 or CLOB (but as we have seen in the example above, functions returning CLOBs allow you to return any XML as the response, so this should not really be a big limitation). Support for arrays and complex (user-defined) types might come later.
- Each function is exposed as a service endpoint. This means that in Visual Studio, for example, you must create a separate Web Reference for each function you would like to call. A future version of the gateway might group all functions in a package into one service. Update (Nov 28, 2009): As of Thoth Gateway version 1.2, all functions in a package are now grouped together as a single service endpoint.
If you would like to try it out, go and
grab version 1.1 of the Thoth Gateway now!