I've updated the Thoth Gateway (a PL/SQL web gateway similar to mod_plsql and ORDS, but written in .NET that allows you to run APEX and PL/SQL Web Toolkit applications using Microsoft IIS web server).
The latest release is version 1.4.3. It fixes a few minor issues, but more importantly it is compiled against the latest ODP.NET Managed Driver.
Among other things, this version of the Managed Driver supports Oracle Advanced Security Option (ASO) encryption; without this certain operations such as APEX file uploads would cause "OracleInternal.Network.NetworkException: ORA-12537: Network Session: End of file" errors against an Oracle 18c database.
When upgrading to Thoth Gateway v1.4.3 or later, please make sure you also copy the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll file in addition to the PLSQLGatewayModule.dll file to make sure you have the correct library.